Discovering meaning, healing and personal transformation through the time-honoured art of astrologyAndré Gide



For the time being, Daliah is no longer offering astrological consultations nor any other astrological work, as she is focusing on her spiritual practice. For a list of other recommended astrologers, please visit the Faculty of Astrological Studies’ website https://www.astrology.org.uk/consult-an-astrologer/
Daliah Roth is a London-based astrologer who has had a passion for astrology since a very young age and has been practising this craft since 2001. She studied with the acclaimed Faculty of Astrological Studies in London and Oxford, where she received a Diploma and the title D.F. Astrol.S., considered the most highly respected astrological qualification in the astrology world. Daliah´s background is in business and fashion, having obtained a MBA from the Freie Universität Berlin and having studied fashion at Central Saint Martins in London. Daliah has worked in the fashion industry and within investment management.
Since 1997, Daliah has been a meditation practitioner of the Tibetan Nyingma lineage (Dzogchen), having studied Tibetan, Buddhist philosophy and meditation in Nepal and North India. Since 2016, she has practiced with a variety of medicinal trees and spirit plant medicines of the shamanic Mestizo and Shipibo traditions in the Peruvian Amazon. In her quest to learn about other cultures, and given her love of travel, Daliah has lived in eight countries. Currently she resides in Mexico, where she gives online readings in English and German.
Daliah is a member of the APAI (the Association of Professional Astrologers International). Information about the APAI can be found here: https://professionalastrologers.co.uk.

Astrology is the study of how the positions of the stars and the movements of the planets have an influence on events and on the lives and behaviour of people.
Western astrology, as it is practised today, works with the birth chart as its foundation. A birth chart is a form of map, showing the locations of celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, planets, asteroids and other points of interest) at a specific time (time of birth) in a specific location (place of birth). Each celestial body will have been located in one of the 12 zodiac signs and stands in relation to the other celestial bodies. In astrology, depending on the sign and its relationship to the other bodies, each planetary placement shows potentials and challenges for the individual.

why consult an astrologer?


Astrology can show what the placement of the celestial bodies says about a person’s potentials and challenges in this life in the form of possible character traits. It can also show the opportunities for change in these traits that arise through ageing (see progressions) and in what areas and for which time periods challenges or ease may arrive (see transits).


What Can You Do With Astrology?

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To book an appointment, please click on the ‘Book Online’ button and if you have any further enquiries, please email Daliah directly at info@thehighgateastrologer.com or use the message window.